Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wheat Free?

I started reading the Wheat Belly book.  So far it goes like this - Wheat that we eat now has been radically changed in the interest of low cost high yield production by the industry in the early to mid 80s.  Around the same time, the dietary recommendations by FDA and other similar bodies came out with higher whole grain diet recommendation.  As a result a whole processed food industry explosion of products happened.  Around the same time the obesity levels started escalating in unprecedented numbers.  While sedentary person with bad eating habits becoming obese was the conventional thought there are many very active to athletic individuals also becoming fat to obese.  The culprit seem to be the 'new' wheat or the chemical reactions triggered by the newly created product.  Then the book goes on the examine the negative impact on each of the different areas - the usual suspect insuline resistance and adult onset diabetes, the viseral fat and the increased inflamatory reactions in the body as a result creating artharitis, plaque in artaries etc., the fact that then new wheat can move across the blood-brain barrier influencing  lethargy, foggy-brain to higher negative reactions in those with schizophrenia etc/ 

I would like to test out how my body will react to no wheat intake option but the question is what do you replace it with?

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