Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Today - A new beginning

It is a new beginning and this is stream of consciousness writing.  Why am I putting it out on a blog?  I don't know but I feel that I can keep the writing coming this way.  Right Now it is dark outside at 6am.  The sound of passing cars is clear as there are only few cars at this time of the morning and few ambient noises to merge and muffle the individual sounds.  The sound is soothing.  I can close my eyes and pretend that I am at the beach listening to the sound of the surf.  The lights that are on based on the angle I look out at some times take on shapes like light writing, distorted by multiple glass I am looking through.  The fire glows in the fire place and the double light beside gives out a soft halo that shows off the stack of books below.  I have the extremely bad (here my mind is being judgemental - strike) habit of buying books as a collector of titles rather than a reader.  I used to be an avid reader (mind going to the past rather than staying in the present but for context), but lately I have been more of a collector than a reader.  Primary reason for this is a time wasting activity have picked up (again judgemental - strike), surfing the net.  On the face of it it is all for value added reasons - Face Book to keep up with friends' checking email - which has become time consuming as I seem to have subscribed to numerous valueble resources that send numerous info. laden emails that I barely read but still need to go through; looking up articles related to my profession for professional development, reading business articles for work, reading articles on latest health news, tech news, learning photography and writing related articles as well as keeping up with new music.  But now the activity takes approximately 3-4 hours of my after work time leaving little time for other things like working out.  Perhaps I need to allocate each day for one activity (mind in future rather than present but will continue in this thought process for value to be derived).  I like to keep the middle day Wednesday for writing and Sunday for photography and writing.  Monday should be the miscellaneous (tech, health, music day) and Tuesday Pro-D.  This leaves Thursday and Friday for dedication to any of the activities that requires priority that week.  This will help me contain the online activity to just 2 hours.
It is 6:30am and I am off to do my Nike routine.  If anyone is reading and doing know what that is, check out the free Nike Training app.  It's my day 2 using it for a half hour cross training in the morning and it is awesome.

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